Mind Power in sport.
mind-power.ch is the result of 21 years’ experience in mind management distilling ideas and techniques developed through mental coaching at mind-management.ch and sport coaching activities with youngsters, teams and individual professional sportsmen/women.
Mental toughness results from controlling and directing the mind to produce actions and outcomes using the body. We direct all of this through conscious control of how we think and how we choose to feel about events in our lives thus creating the conditions and realities we want to have in our lives. Believing in oneself and acting with confidence and determination armed with resilience to stress and outside influences is key to succeeding against strong opposition.
Mind Power in Life
The same techniques that bring success in sport will bring success in all parts of every-day life. These techniques can be transferred to every-day life situations changing quality of life and bringing greater satisfaction and purposefulness and help achieve goals.
We offer one-to-one coaching in person and/or online.
Mind Power
for the Soul
Not all of the mind is inside the body and we are connected to the universe and other energies in marvelous ways. Sometimes, the impulse we need is on a deep, personal level. Caelia is our specialist Soul Coach with a unique and unusual ability to work at the heart of things we may call spiritual. Caellia offers in person and online sessions.